الأربعاء، 30 أبريل 2014

زيثروكان Zithrokan

  1. زيثروكان 100 و200 مجم شراب مسحوق جاهز للتحضير Zithrokan suspension

    يحتوي علي (المكونات):

    الأزيثرومايسين Azithromycin
    ينتمي الي مجموعة الماكروليد وتم أستحداثه من الاريثروميسين لذا فهو يمتلك أثار جانبية أقل بكثر علي المعدة من الاريثروميسين خصوصا علي الأطفال.

    دواعي أستخدام

    زيثروكان شراب:

    1-عدوي الاذن الوسطي .Otitis media.-

    2-عدوي الجهاز التنفس العلوي كالتهاب اللوزتين والبلعوم والحلق.

    3-عدوي الجهاز التنفسي السفلي.

    4-التهابات الأسنان واللثة.

    5-حمي التيفويد.

    جرعة زيثروكان شراب للأطفال:

    يوجد تركيزان من زيثروكان شراب

    100 مجم لكل 5 مل.
    200 مجم لكل 5 مل.

    طريقة سهلة لأحتساب جرعة زيثروكان شراب:
    في حالة تركيز 100 مجم يتم احتساب الجرعة بقسم الوزن علي 2. في حالة تركيز 200 مجم يتم احتساب الجرعة بقسم الوزن علي 4.

    بمعني لو الطفل وزنه 10 كيلو تكون الجرعة 5 مل مرة يوميا لمدة 3 أيام (يتم أستخدام زيثروكان 100).
    بمعني لو الطفل وزنه 20 كيلو تكون الجرعة 5 مل مرة يوميا لمدة 3 أيام (يتم أستخدام زيثروكان 200).

    أذا كان وزن الطفل أكبر من 40 كجم يأخد جرعة الكبار وهي 500 مجم مرة يوميا لمدة 3 أيام من زيثروكان كبسول.

    الأعراض الجانية لزيثروكان:

    بعض الأضطرابات بالجهاز الهضمي من أسهال ووجع بالبطن ولكنه بالطبع أقل أثارا من الأريثروميسين.يتم أستخدامه كبديل للبنسيللين في حالة وجود حساسية من البنسيلين.


    زيثروكان 100حجمه 15 مل وسعره 6 جنيهات ونصف.

    زيثروكان 200 حجمه 15 مل وسعره 15 جنيه

تاناكان اركاليون ARCALION

  1. اركاليون ARCALION
    الماده الفعاله SULBUTIAMINE

    الدواء ده عباره عن ايه
    is a synthetic derivative of thiamine (vitamin B1). As a dimer of two modified thiamine molecules

    احنا عارفين ان نقص فيتامين B1 بيعمل مشاكل فى الاعصاب بس فيتامين B1 ليس له القدره

    على crosses the blood–brain barrier قاموا عاملين تعديل فى تركيب THIAMINE علشان

    يبقى lipophilic compound that crosses the blood–brain barrier

    نستنتج من كده ان ده هيكون احسن امتصاص عن طريق المعده لذا هو موجود على شكل

    اقراص و crosses the blood–brain barrier وده هيعالج مشاكل هنتكلم عليها دلوقتى

    بيعالج ايه بقى الدواء ده

    1- بيعالج مشكله اسمها asthenia ودى ايه ؟؟؟؟
    chronic fatigue that is cerebral rather than neuromuscular in ORIGIN
    يعنى اجهاد مزمن سببه جاى من المخ وليس من العضلات

    2- تانى حاجه بيحسن الذاكره
    sulbutiamine improves memory through the potentiation of cholinergic, dopaminergic, and glutamatergic transmission
    ده المكانيزم بتاعه

    3-Erectile dysfunction
    sulbutiamine is effective for the treatment of psychogenic erectile dysfunction.
    يعنى اللى سببها نفسى

    Dosage of Sulbutiamine (Arcalion)

    Adults: 400 mg per day.

    Elderly: 200 mg per day.

    العادى قرصين بعد الفطار و FORTE قرص واحد بعد الفطار يفضل بعد الفطار
    والكبار فى السن هياخدوا العادى وبلاش الفورت علشان مشكله AGITATION بتظهر اكتر فى كبار السن مع الجرعات العاليه

    In severe asthenic syndrome

    , start with 600-800 mg in single/multiple dose

    Precautions while prescribing Sulbutiamine (Arcalion)

    Reduce dose in elderly.

    mild agitation has been observed in elderly patients only

    Stop the treatment even mild agitation or allergy occurs.

    minimum of 2 weeks of therapy is essential at a dose of just 2 tablets daily

الجمعة، 4 يناير 2013





 Each tablet Contains:

Paracetamol 400 mg

Vitamin C 250 mg



 Cevamol is a combination of paracetamol and vitamin C in effervescent tablets from. It provides rapid effective relief of pain and fever Cevarnol offers a palatable characteristic taste with lemon flavour and excellent gastric tolerability.



 is a non salicylate analgesic-antipyretic agent. It reduces fever by direct action on the hypothalamic heat regulating center.


Vitamin C :

 is a very important vitamin for the physiological processes of the body such as regulation of enzymatic reactions, participation in the formation of hormones, raising of resistance to infectious diseases, inactivation of toxins, activation of immune response and pnagocytesis. This vitamin has also a great aft importance in the formation of intercellular substance and stimulation of haematopoiesis.



 - Headaches of all types especially those accompanying fever and those due to weather conditions.

 - Influenza and other infectious conditions.

 - Toothache.

 - Neuritis, trigeminal neuralgia and sciatica.

- Dysmenorrhoea.

 - Painful wounds following operations and fractures.


 Contra- indications:

 - Hypersensitivity of paracetamol. - Should not be used for children under 12 years old.



: For adults 1-2 tablets in half a glass of water, the dose may be repeated every 4 hours.


Packing: 10 or 12 effervescent tablets.




156.25 mg/312.5 mg/5 ml- powder for Oral suspension 625 mg Film Coated Tablets



for the treatment of common bacterial  infections where oral therapy Is indicated. including

• Upper respiratory had infection  (including ENT).

•Shin and soft  tissue  infection  boils/abscesses, cellulites. Wound in. lections . Intra abdominal sepsis.



Curam oral dosage recommendations for children below the or of 12 years are Dosed on 25-50 ma/kg body weight/day (based on amoxicillin  component  depending on the severity of infection

 •Adidh and children over 12 years

Curam 625 mg tablet three an. a day

 • Children 7.12 yews

 _ 10 ml  Curam 156.25 mg/S rm suspension three in a day.

or 5 ml  Curam 312 5 mg/5. three times  a day


 • Children 2.7 years

 5 ml Curam 1567.5 mg/5 ml three times a day

 • Children 9 months : 2 years,

25 ml  Curam  .15646.mg/5 ml three times a day

 • children  0-9 months No suitable  oral  presentation is currently  available  for this age group 


الأحد، 25 نوفمبر 2012

Rheumatoid How to treat

RheumatoidWhat is rheumatoidCauses that lead to disease rheumatoidSigns of rheumatoid diseaseSymptoms of rheumatoid diseaseGet rid of the disease rheumatoidHow to treat rheumatoid disease

First identify the disease rheumatoidRheumatoid ailments that afflict the body due to a disorder of the immune system works rheumatoid disease eroded tissue around the joints especially small joints Kmphasal wrists and hand joints, muscles and nerves casings leading to tireless those joints and distortedAs we mentioned that the disease rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease remains infected with a lifetimeHowever there are some cases that could be improved for a period with the possibility of the return of the disease againThe disease is characterized by its evolution it increases with time, but that at times may be mild

What are the causes of rheumatoid disease
There is no specific reason for rheumatoid disease may be the reasonHereditary genetic link may affect certain families may be involved in that diseaseBacterial infectionHormonal glandsCauses of allergic symptoms that accompany rheumatoid disease may very much like allergy symptoms owing to the imbalance Almitaboleezzm

Signs of rheumatoid disease
Rheumatoid disease appears successfully more females than malesThe patient feels temperature rise associated with rheumatic heart gradually lead to stiffness and arthritis with deviation in the path of the hands with dislocated joints hand lead to loss of joint movementThe presence of blisters on the skin of the legsPain occurs when the movement of joints with swellingTyibs
How to make sure the incidence of rheumatoid arthritis
Using X-ray work, which shows if there is erosion in the joints or distortedAs rheumatoid disease can be detected through a blood test and the presence of blood ESR deposition and the presence of rheumatoid factor and the presence of C - t - protein CRP
Treatment of rheumatoid disease